Engaging a team or an organization is never accomplished in one day. This is why I will take my time to understand the journey you and your organization are currently on.
"People don't resist change, they resists loss."
This insightful truth by Ronald Heifetz, a Harvard Leadership Professor, is the guiding principle behind all of my formats.
Starting something new never comes easy, because it means letting go of the past. In my formats, I am okay with making potential loss transparent. Why? Because I know that it is exactly the roadblock that keeps your organization from moving forward. How do we do it? In example with the Loss Awareness Canvas (LAC). You can find it in the Handout section.

Leading Innovation

Conference Design

Whenever teams get together, a lot of knowledge and tension is in the room. Sure, teambuilding exercises are fun, but the most self-actualization comes from solving urgent problems together. This is why my focus for offsites is on collaborative leadership: How do you collectively remove roadblocks to move forward?
In collaboration with the German Veolia Innovation unit, we developed a two-day training for senior and mid-level managers, focussing on a combination of leadership techniques, lean startup approaches, and design thinking. It includes pre- and post evaluations and mentoring sessions.
200 people in the room, 250.000 EUR down for business class tickets, and you still listen to keynotes? TED talks might do the trick. Seriously, if you still design your conferences around the speaker, you are losing money for your company. Get in touch to hear more about alternatives.
Corporate Trainings

Reaching Your Vision

Leadership Sparring 1:1

Several approaches have been successfully implemented in facilitating mastery in an organization. I will provide sessions for the following methodologies:
Design Thinking & Lean Startup
Storytelling & Pitch Training
Effective Workshops & Meetings
From fellowships to leadership steering teams: It always helps to have someone by your side, who designs a program for you to reach your vision. Two most recents programs I worked on? The RnD Fellowship as well as the Media For Peace Fellowship by the Media Lab Bayern.
It get's lonely at the top. Leadership positions can be highly challenging. This is why I offer individual strategy conversations on teams and organizations with c-level leaders and managers.
Yes, my strong suite is on-site facilitation. But what if you are a remote-only organization? Back in 2014, I was a project manager for the world's first corporate Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
As one of the early movers of online learning formats, I have created courses for hundreds of participants to digitally environments. Together with one of my RainMaker Tribe team members, we can set up learning environments in Fortnite or MineCraft, if we have to.